
Although this is very much a fan operation, a lot of time and effort goes into making sure each Summer of Sonic convention runs smoothly. This page is a salute to the people who have worked so hard in organising the event and providing an awesome time for those in attendance. Give it up for the following people!

2011 Credits

Creator, Co-organiser, Host: Svend Joscelyne
Co-ordinator, Host:
Kevin Eva
Stage Manager:
Adam Tuff
Head of Security:
Joshua Urtheart Cartlidge

Security Team: James Zeach, Andrew Wilson
Door Staff: Chris Nielson, Gavin Storey
Video Feed Provided by: The Sonic Show
Radio Feed Provided by: RadioSEGA
Live Feed Presenter: Rory Joscelyne
Live Feed Camera: Jamie Williams
Technical: Ian Bennett
Lead DJ: Graham Seward
DJs: John Finlay, Chris Nielson, Gavin Storey, Mark Hawley

Sonic’s Entourage: Lewis Clark, Phil Sims
Shop Stop: Ciara Thrush, Oscar Taylor-Kent
Fan Art/Comics: Allan Fildes
Games Zone: Jason Hill, Pete Nethercote

With a Special Mention to: Dale Gennard, Alex Perea

Special Thanks To: SEGA Corporation: SEGA Europe, SEGA of America, SEGA Japan; Luisa Mari, Kerry Martyn, David Corless, Yuji Naka, Takashi Iizuka, Jun Senoue, Leo Urushibata, Kellie Parker, Julien-K, Nigel Kitching, Nigel Dobbyn, Ian Flynn, Tracy Yardley!, Miles Jacobson, First4Figures, Archie Comics, Insert Coin T-Shirts, NJ Live, Wavemaster, Camden Centre, Microsoft Corporation, Nintendo, RadioSEGA

Past Summer of Sonic Events: 2006 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013
The Summer of Sonic is a convention based in Central London, UK. Event created by Svend Joscelyne, presented by The Sonic Stadium and Sonic Wrecks. Supported by SEGA Europe, SEGAbits and Emerald Coast. Attendees of all ages are welcome, but visitors under 15 years of age should be accompanied by a suitable parent or guardian - the organisers accept no responsibility for those attending the event. Anything brought in by attendees to showcase are the sole responsibility of their owners. Be careful when meeting strangers you know online elsewhere; The Summer of Sonic is a safe neutral location for fans of Sonic the Hedgehog to meet up. All content copyright © The Summer of Sonic 2011, fan content published is the copyright © of respective artists and fans. Sonic the Hedgehog and all related characters are copyright © SEGA. All Rights Reserved. Website powered by WordPress and chili dogs.