Yeah. That’d be why…
It flashed up on screen really quickly, not sure if you guys saw
it or not.
About ArchangelUK
Webmaster of Sonic Wrecks and creator of Radio Redux, AAUK (aka
Kevin Eva) was Sonic Online Community Manager at SEGA Europe from
2007-2011. He is also to co-creator of the Summer of Sonic
convention and chief co-ordinator of the event. Follow him on
twitter @thekevineva and Sonic Wrecks @sonicwrecks.
Tell BoozermaN to make an extra-special one for next year, or there’ll be 500 angry Tails Doll Lovers coming to get him! Still glad he made this pic though, love TD’s crystal. Lol, RAINBOW!!
My tails doll was there! But i DID miss this…
Hahaha! Yes I did wonder where the lil critter got to…
I’m pretty sure I did see him for a second on screen.
Pfft lil boozer! XD
Hahaha XD! Tails Doll looks so funny! I did wonder why he didn’t show up! But I hope he is not hungover next year.