As you know our “American cousin” Sonic Boom is on tonight in Los Angeles, T-Bird and Dreadknux are over there as guests of honour (or should that be honor?) to discuss Summer Of Sonic.
Those of us left behind to
‘man the fort’ aren’t jealous at all. Although
mysteriously both Adam and Svend are now on toilet cleaning duty
after Summer Of Sonic. Most strange. *Puts away schedule*
Now I’ve been having a chat with the venue today and I have confirmed our menu, we may not have croissants… but we have BAGELS baby. That and with our Chili Dogs it’s like we have our own London branch of Don Fachio’s – so guess what, we’re going to call it just that!
to be confirmed)
Breezy Dog (Chili Dog)
A Don Fachio’s favourite, a meaty treat served
Apotos-style with a London twist.
Doggone Dog (Vegetarian Dog)
This lean, green dog has no meat whatsoever. The top seller at
the now defunct Eggmanland branch of Don Fachio’s comes to
London as a Summer Of Sonic special.
Professor P’s Culinary Concoction (Cheese &
Chow down on this healthy cheese and salad bagel, likely to
contain cucumber (sliced thinly if you please). For clarity,
absolutely does
not include Chao.
Big’s Special (Tuna & Mayo)
And he most certainly is… All the cool cats will want a
bite of this tuna and mayo treat. Makes excellent bait for frogs.
Caution: may cause constant cameoing.
Catch Me If You Ham (Ham and Tomato)
Won’t let you down, a high taste grown – in a bread
form with piggy and tomato.
Miss Vanilla’s Home Made Carrot Cake
We sincerely hope you enjoy our cake, fresh out of the family
warren. 9/10 crocodiles approve greatly of the baker… and the
cake as well.
Chip’s Super Awesome Chocolate Cake
Hey… want some chocolate? Light in Gaia,
not necessarily light in calories. But who
cares about that? NOM!
Various flavours available. Â Not hedgehog flavoured, that would be in poor taste considering…
Chaos Cola
Get that 100% perfect chaos taste…
Also… Lemonade, Tea, Coffee, Fruit juice and Other soft drinks available.
Since I was asked, I asked the venue (who is organising all the food) and they cannot guarantee the food to be halal or kosher.  So if this is a requirement for you, please make alternate arrangements.
“Food Glorious Food”
Does this mean SOS is going to end with you slowly marching Svend through the streets of London singing “Boy for sale!”
One AAUK, in somewhat worn condition – going cheap or nearest suitable offer.
Chaos Cola!!! AWESOME!
If I go up to the person serving and say “One chili dog to go, slow mo. And mondo on the chili.” Will I get a chili dog mondo on the chili or will I just get a slap?
You’ll get a confused look then handed a tuna bagel.
And then a slap.
Loving the menu. With all these chilli dogs being chowed Adam and Svend may shift toliet duties to someone else……
Hmm…being the fussy eater I am, would I get a cheese bagel without the salad if I asked nicely?
NO HALAL?! NO HALAL?!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooo then the world are so doomy D:
lol thank for let us know XD i’ll tell my mom about this.. CURSE YOU WHOEVER YOU’RE SPOIL HALAL >:C lol XD
Yay! For once in my entire life, I’m finally to have…a chili dog!
i’m a very fussy eater myself and things i don’t like are chilli, tuna, cucumber , onions etc
No ham & cheese bagels?
I don’t like anything on that menu
…Except all the deserts.
Get them to slap a bit of carrot cake in your hat, you’ll be well away.
First I couldn’t go to Sonic Boom now I can’t go to SOS!
(Though Sonic Boom did NOT have chili dogs from what I heard…)
I really wanted to see this menu! Someone post pictures of it somewhere please!
All sounds rather interesting…
But when are prices to actually be confirmed? I’ll need to be forewarned, so I know whether or not to bring my own lunch (if it turns out too expensive)