[Taken pretty much wholesale from Sonic Wrecks]
Okay, its Easter and we’ve not got anything major to tell you, so instead here’s a small thing we’re going to make a major fuss of.
Since SEGA very kindly announced two games in less than a week I thought we should probably remind everyone about Summer Of Sonic. Considering the amount of people we got by announcing the venue had air conditioning we full expect several thousand people to now want to turn up. Hint: If you don’t get it, this is a rather tongue in cheek announcement.
This trailer is so awesome it could only be topped by a lion, riding a tiger, battling a t-rex that is firing sawn-off shotguns that shoot broadswords. WHICH ARE ON FIRE.
In all seriousness these are confirmed and I have been trying since SOS 09 to get these – we’ll have more news later on about “proper” things. We’re still awaiting the powers that be.
Holy crap, Chili Dogs?! Best. SoS. EVER.
Looking back on previous SoS’s, food never really bothered me, I was just having too much fun being there. At the first, I don’t think I ate anything, but you guys were kind enough to provide drinks, and it did get really hot in there ^_^
At the second SoS I popped out to a newsagents across the road and bought a Cornetto. That’s all I needed, man.
At the third, I didn’t leave at all. There was so much to do that I just didn’t want to leave, so I didn’t eat at all throughout the event itself, but my friend was kind enough to bring me a drink from the scary outside. Staying in all day was my choice though and I sure pigged out on pizza afterwards, but guys; No food and no air conditioning helped me lose weight! High five! xD
Are we having a Sonic bake sale too? I could bring Sonic cookies :3
i cannot wait to eat them <3
Oh THAT’s Really worth the money we have to pay for the ticket for SoS!
Oh God I almost died at PIECE OF CAKE!
Haha, that’s fantastic. Thanks for including a vegetarian option, too. Dunno how I’d survive knowing people are eating superspecialawesome food and I’m not. =3
i have one question.. are food and drinks free? because it didnt say that D:
No they won’t be free.
ah thank you very much ^^ i’ll tell my mum!
hey may i ask you something else? i wish to ask ‘See Hear’ programmed but before that
i wanted to speard the deaf awareness about being deaf artist
it is annoying that i cant find anyone who are deaf artist like me
if you want to email me more about it then please do let me know
Yum. I will have one of those.
I love Chili doge they’re sooo delicious!!!
Wow, this is a neat little addition.
Screw my diet, I’m gonna chow down on one of those bad boys!
Tracey Yardley aint got nothing on this! I mean chilli dogs? Surely nothing can best that! In all seriousness though I’m glad that there’s food available. I was perfectly happy bringing my own in the past but a little variety never hurt anyone.
Chilli dogs O___o Greatest SoS EVER!!!^^ i’ll get at least 3 :p
so we got plenty cool stuff there… will there be an afterparty this jear too…… we got a preparty, so i’m wondering….
I really hate chilli
sorry if i have to complain