Welcome to the official website for the world’s biggest Sonic the Hedgehog fan event! If you’re new to this page, here’s a brief introduction to the event – the Summer of Sonic is a convention that takes place every year in London, UK, that allows fans from all corners of the world to meet up and make new friends!
The event is organised by the fans, for the fans, so there’s a real sense of community throughout the whole day. 2011 marks Sonic the Hedgehog’s 20th Anniversary, and SEGA Europe has very kindly agreed to sponsor a huge amount of the event this year – this allows us to really aim high and plan some very, very special surprises.
Trust me, if you’re any kind of Sonic the Hedgehog fan, you will not want to miss this year’s show.
We will have some very exciting announcements to reveal soon! Just be a little bit more patient. We’re getting there. In the meantime, please enjoy the new website – on behalf of the entire Summer of Sonic volunteer crew, let’s enjoy Sonic the Hedgehog’s 20th Anniversary together!
Rock on!
Svend ‘Dreadknux’ Joscelyne – Summer of Sonic
Excited about the Summer of Sonic 2011, guys?
Really incredibly excited. I can’t wait!
how far is it to the convintion if you live in san jose california?
Hell Yeah Svend, SoS10 Was Awesome…….This Year will be EPIC!. i cant wait to see what you guys have in store for SoS11
its just a great way to celebrate the blue blurs
More than excited! Out of curiosity, will there still be a costume competition?
Very excited about SoS 2011! Roll on (excuse the pun!) 25 June!
Yes! June 25th can’t come soon enough!
HELL YEAH! BRING IT ON! I am attending this years SOS for the first time
Hell Yeah!
The new site looks well sexual, Svend. I approve.
Love the new site, Dreadknux! Really looking forward to this year’s event and seeing everyone again!
When’s registration
I am super-excited for SOS 2011!!! woohoo!
Ohhh YES!!!
SOS10 was the BEST event I attended last year. If you could bottle a feeling and sell it we would all be billionaires. SOS11 is the highlight of 2011, even eclipsing the trip to Tokyo in May!
I will be visiting the site everyday watching for the all important ‘register for tickets’ button.
Cant wait!
VERY! I am finally going this year and SO excited! First time out of the country… first time on a plane even! I am hyped
Hell yeah! Can’t wait ^_^
Awesome! I Like What you did! hope i come this year
Seriously excited!
Although I have to say, you’ve out done yourself this year! Absolutly digging the site designs and logo. Awesome!
Snazzy looking site, this year. Can’t wait to hear some more news!
I can’t wait man, counting down the days until this event.
Ahhhhhhh looking good!
Oh man I can’t wait to see what’ll be going on this year
Plus. Cosplay fun times again, whee XD
OMG! Luvin the new site! Been on here nearly everyday keepin a look out. Rest assured I will be there… as soon as that register for tickets button appears Im-a-clickin it! LOL
Yeah, I’m very excited. New design for the site is sweet!
I’m TOTALLY going this year. Getting my passport, plane ticket, a suitcase big enough for my cosplay(when I decide which one to bring XD) and bringing myself to London! First time leaving the country for Sonic the Hedgehog? Of course, who wouldn’t do the same~? <3
…Non-Sonic fans?
…As well as a number of Sonic fans themselves who aren’t that enthusiastic about it?
Sonic’s 20th Anniversary and my 18th birthday, mines in May, but still falls pretty close.
ahhhh!!! I’m going crazy with excitement! i’m checking the website everyday for new updates!
Hello everyone.
I’m from Hong Kong and I love Sonic so much since 10 years ago ultil now!
I relly wanna go to this event this year!
Anyone can tell me more about the information of this event? ( Event address, time, anyother.)
I can’t find the above informations…><
And my English is not good, sorry at all!
More details will be announced in the next few weeks Celeste. I am so psyched for it n0w that SEGA themselves are becoming a major part of this years event. Bring it on! Oh BTW, I really really really really want CRUSH 40 to be there!
Hello Celeste
Unfortunately, the information about what time it starts, where its located a so on have not been release yet as the event is still under development. However they have confirmed at the top of the page that its on the 25th June. Over the next few weeks the guys will release more information. If you want to know more about the event, try visiting the SoS 2010 website.
The address/location, exact opening time and other details will be revealed sooner the time when the guys organising the event, well, organise it
Hope that helps 
Thank you very much!!!
And nice to meet you all!!!
I will come again!!!
Really looking forward to this, still gutted I missed out last year.
Also, nice to read Sega Europe are putting in extra cash – I don’t wanna think about how much must’ve come out of you guys’ collective back pockets. Fair play to you all.
Needing to cross my fingers… which is a sad thing to say about an SOS event. >_>;
I will be there if I have the tickets that is.
finally! i been waiting for new website XD i kept came back all over @_@ finally..
lol hey guys let you know im going to sell sonic lops again this year but it will cost.. well i havent decied which cost will i put it because i heard about poor japan got biggest earthquath (sorry bad spell) so that is why im doing for japan!
if you never heard of sonic lop, so here it is
Hope won´t work on 25th Jun
I like the new site, but to the rest of you lot, beware the Pigeon Panic Zone!
It’s about time the new site finally showed but as for attending this year’s event it’s a grey area for me as 2009 (1st) was some what enjoyable but last year felt abit lackluster for some reason but it had it’s high points *cough* crush 40 *cough* so who knows only time will tell and the retro/space invaders icons are a nice touch
It’s a shame you didn’t enjoy it last year. It was actually the best one we ever held. Did you not talk to anyone and make new friends? That’s sort of the whole point dude. Crush 40 and all the rest of it was just an added bonus. Maybe if you come this year there will be better opportunities for you to chat to other Sonic fans.
I prefer to keep to myself and i’m not really social so making “new friends” isn’t possible and i’ve spoken to you very briefly also someone i saw the year before but like i said i’m unsure if i will even go.
That’s a shame! I hope that you do find the opportunity to come out of your shell, it’s one of the main reasons I created the event. So that people who are generally quite shy can make new friends. It was great to meet you last year, if you decide to come again this year be sure to grab me again for a chat!
I’ll be visiting at least 3 times a day… waiting for tickets. La la la la la…
I’m so hoping to go this year before i get too old and/or too busy.
wish I had someone to go with
Can’t wait for SOS 2011. Last years event was awesome, even though you had difficulties on the day you still managed to put on a great event.
oh i can’t wait for this year. unlike last year i couldn’t come because of travel, it was a shame. but i hope i can come this year
SOS 2010 was just amazing… and now i’m exited about how sonic’s 20th will be… i’ll come for sure, even if i need to get a plane on friday evening and leave on sunday again (can’t skip school, but still need to come^^) can’t wait to meet new friends there. Hope to get a ticket as soon as possible….
ZOMG!!!! I caaaaaan’t Wait!!! DD:. I’m so exited!
Can’t wait what’s going to happen this year, I’ll be there for sure!!
And i really hope i can make some cool new friend’s during the day! ;). And yeah, i’ve got to go by plab and i hope to buy the tickets as soon as possible!.
See ya all there guys!!
xx Linno
Hells yeah! I first went in 2008 but missed the last two years due to unavoidable circumstances (last year being an operation) so I hope that Crush 40 or some other composers and performers like Masato Nakamura (who did the original 2 soundtracks) turn up too!
I know it won’t happen but it’d be funny if Yuji Naka made it along!
I know that the SOS team will get some great people and organise some great events for a fun time! Bring it on guys. Sonic’s 10th anniversary was celebrated with Adventure 2, lets make this one go with a bang!
Yeah, it would be pretty awesome if Naka came along. But the fact he’s now in Prope, sorta suggests he won’t have anything to do with Sonic anymore… :L
Oh, he’ll certainly have enough to do with Sonic to the point where he’ll brag about being the original trilogy’s programmer in interviews and even on the Ivy the Kiwi? box…
Bentley said it’s possible that he’ll come to, but hè said to me that that’ll be à suprise, so we’ve gotta wait and see x)
I cannot wait for SoS 2011. I attended the 2010 event and it was utterly wonderful. Seeing Crush 40 live was a dream come true. I’m not even exaggerating. I grew up with Sonic and spent much of my childhood rocking out to Open Your Heart and Live and Learn. Thank you for organising a dream come true and I will DEFINITELY be attending this year!
Fantastic to see that the site’s up and running now.
Last year was FANTASTIC! I’m pretty certain I will go, and I hope I do, what with it being Sonic’s 20th ‘n’ all. ’11 will be my second SoS, and I’m aiming to talk to more people this time around. I did have a couple of conversations with a handful of Sonikku fans, but not really enough to satisfy my lacking social skills :3
Bring it on!
Nifty new site design and I’m well excited, working on my costume still and I can’t wait for the finished results, last year’s was incredible, easily one of the best summers I’ve had in years.
Hope to see you there
I went to SOS’10, and I loved it so much.
The atmosphere, the music, the special guests were all <3
It's sad I couldn't buy anything there, but I most certain will at SOS'11!
I can't wait to go c:
~Miles (from Belgium)
can any one tell me when the tickets are coming out for SOS 2011 i missed out on it last year due to a train strike ( i complained to the train compney got some some money back ) but this year i will be there even if i fly fomr manchester to london or by boat i am coming no matter what
omg im so excited, i hope they make sonic adventure 3 so badlllyyyyyyyy, if they announce it i will literally poop my paannnttss!!!
D: Don’t do it!
Go to the toilet before the announcement!
Very excited to go! Not as big a Sonic fan as I was but looking forward to seeing many of my friends from deviantART from over the years.
Coming over from Ireland, and will probably draw for people so let me know if you see me!
This new look site is awesome.
I’ll be paying close attention to the updates.
i wish i whod had a way to get to this year event but im not gonna be thair and im so engry
the day of the sos 11 well be the worst day on my life unless il be there
NO! i hate scotland! my holidays dont start till the middle of July!!! I WILL NOT MISS THIS AGAIN! im going to get a week of school, i dont care what my parents say! THIS IS SONIC MAN!