Celebrating 10 Years Of SA2 – It’s BATTLE Time At Summer Of Sonic 2011!

This year at Summer of Sonic we mark Sonic’s second decade, as such it is perhaps fitting that in doing this we look back at the game that was created for Sonic’s tenth anniversary. A game that really did usher in a lot of new blood into the fanbase and is still held up as one of the best Sonic games of any era.

Sonic Adventure 2.

The game that introduced us to Shadow, Rouge, G.U.N and that really is the foundation of a lot of the background to the the current main storyline canon. Plus it was fun as anything.


The timing is also good considering the original Dreamcast version was SEGA’s hot E3 property that year, much like Generations is scheduled to be this year. As such Sonic Adventure 2: Battle will be at SOS 2011, playing on a Wii pod and we’ll be instigating a ‘Winner Stays On’ system of 2-player versus battles. The person with the longest win streak as we hit the final hours will win a prize.

Be sure to bring your snowboards, mechas, karts, treasure scopes and shovel claws on June 25th.

[Taken from SonicWrecks.com]


About ArchangelUK

Webmaster of Sonic Wrecks and creator of Radio Redux, AAUK (aka Kevin Eva) was Sonic Online Community Manager at SEGA Europe from 2007-2011. He is also to co-creator of the Summer of Sonic convention and chief co-ordinator of the event. Follow him on twitter @thekevineva and Sonic Wrecks @sonicwrecks.
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7 Responses to Celebrating 10 Years Of SA2 – It’s BATTLE Time At Summer Of Sonic 2011!

  1. avatar Steven says:

    i have a copy of the gamecube version also :) if you need to borrow it for the event to have more than one pod let me know i would be more than happy to help out. However it is now time for me to practice RADICAL HIGHWAY ^^

  2. avatar Umiyuri says:

    Also we have a THIRD logo!

    Make up your minds, guys!

  3. avatar Shaun F says:

    Awesome! Next best thing to releasing a PSN/ XBLA HD version. Been wanting an excuse to play this again for months!

  4. avatar Jansen "ShadowTG" McCord says:

    THIS IS FANTASTIC! Better brush up on my SA2B skills.

  5. I Have never played this game :(

  6. avatar seganewsuk says:

    cool we’re getting it signed

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Past Summer of Sonic Events: 2006 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013
The Summer of Sonic is a convention based in Central London, UK. Event created by Svend Joscelyne, presented by The Sonic Stadium and Sonic Wrecks. Supported by SEGA Europe, SEGAbits and Emerald Coast. Attendees of all ages are welcome, but visitors under 15 years of age should be accompanied by a suitable parent or guardian - the organisers accept no responsibility for those attending the event. Anything brought in by attendees to showcase are the sole responsibility of their owners. Be careful when meeting strangers you know online elsewhere; The Summer of Sonic is a safe neutral location for fans of Sonic the Hedgehog to meet up. All content copyright © The Summer of Sonic 2011, fan content published is the copyright © of respective artists and fans. Sonic the Hedgehog and all related characters are copyright © SEGA. All Rights Reserved. Website powered by WordPress and chili dogs.